Friday, August 27, 2010

A Trip to the Doctor and a Lesson in Clog Dancing

Chris has been coughing badly for several weeks now. Lynda suggested he needed to see a doctor, and being sick and tired of this nagging problem, he acquiesced quietly. Elmer took him to a medical practice where the diagnosis was asthmatic bronchitis - a bacterial rather than viral problem.

A course of antibiotics and anti-inflamatories was prescribed. The doctor faxed it to a nearby pharmacy to be made up while we drove there.

We picked up some groceries for the next two days and then the medications, and returned to Lynda and Elmer's home.

Chris and Elmer went to pick up his truck after some repairs. Elmer's mechanic, Ed Payne, had an interesting collection of motorcycles including a 1942 Harley Davidson and a chopper powered by a Honda 750/4 engine, along with a yard full of interesting cars quietly rusting while they await restoration.

Lynda had to go to a parent/teacher interview and then pick Joel up after his first day of school.

Later that afternoon Lynda went to the John C Campbell Folk School to practice clog dancing with a number of friends who travel widely demonstrating this very English art form at festivals. Clog dancing is like tap dancing except that the sounds are generated by wooden soled shoes. Some routines resemble River Dance (with hand held rigidly at the dancers' sides) while others involved waving batons and dancing in formations more like Morris dancing.

A small four piece band added to the atmosphere.
Seeing this sort of thing is very special - it is something tourists would never see, and reminded us yet again how privileged we are to share a little of the daily lives of our friends.

Later in the day we had a barbeque dinner on the deck and sat up late chatting about journeys made - and yet to be made.

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