We stopped for brunch at a delightful cafe in Pendleton. The cake slice was so good Wanda was not going to share. so we each had one, and the coffee was hot and could be made the way you liked it. The taste lingered for miles down the road...
Here's another bike rider out enjoying the day.
Continuing on 38 we eventually turned south on route 1 that took us all the way to Connersville, where Marilyn and Dick Smith were expecting us. Marilyn had offered to draw us a map when we were together at the Shindig a few days earlier, but I confidently said I wouldn't need it "because I have a GPS!". (Ha!)
I tried to enter their address into the GPS, but it wouldn't recognise their street - W 50 N - which is a county road. It found something like 50 E, but it was obviously not where we were supposed to be. I tried to find Marilyn's phone number, but didn't have it - either written down or in the emails inviting us to stay.
On the way back into Connersville there was a police station, so we stopped and asked for directions.
The officers there were helpful and able to show us the road which was north and west of the city on a map. We found the road easily enough and started looking for the street number. The road took several turns and became Country Club Road. We could not find the correct street number, and ended up riding several times around suburban loops off Country Club Road.
Eventually we stopped at a place where two men were sitting out in front of a house. Chris swallowed his pride and asked for directions.
They didn't know where county road W 50 N was, but they had a phone directory, so we were able to look up Marilyn and Dick's phone number. Thank goodness Connersville is not a big city and so there are not too many Smith's in the phone book. (Having said that, there are 3 Richard Smiths).
It turned out we were only 2 miles away. The section of W 50 N where they live is aligned with the road of that name that we rode down, it's just that there are two sections of it that are not contiguous.
It was a relief to finally find their house and get off the bike and into some cooler clothes. Temperatures are currently around 80 degrees F, which is comfortable while riding, but we quickly get hot if we stop for any length of time as we did wandering around Connersville for an hour.
After we cleaned up and got into some summer clothes, Marilyn and Dick showed us around their home and her studio.
Later, they took us into town to show us to the gallery owned by their local art group. Our local art group back home will be envious of it. If only we could buy a building like this in downtown Belconnen for $40,000!
The view from this window is amazing. We have seen a sizable proportion of America's birds and animals pass by it. Stunning!
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