Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We're a couple of Maine-iacs!

It dawned a perfect day. We left our motel and backtracked to Waldboro and turned south on 32 towards Pemaquid. The light through the trees dappled the road wih shadows and the sunlight flashed on my visor like a strobe.

We rode into New Harbor, a town so pretty we were ooh-ing and aah-ing.

Turning onto 130 we continued to the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse where we stopped for breakfast at the Sea Gull Restaurant. Sailing boats leaned over heavily in the strong, steady winds.

It was tough dragging ourselves away. We took 130 all the way north through Damariscotta, another town to rave about, and turned south again to explore yet another peninsula. We took a back road through Edgecomb onto 27 that led us into Boothbay Harbor. More ooh-ing and aah-ing!

Highway 27 led us further south across a bridge onto Southport Island and down to Newagen at the far end of the island.

The road turned north and became 238 until it returned to the bridge. Riding back through Boothbay Harbor we turned onto 96 through East Boothbay and down to Ocean Point. On the way back we stopped at the East Boothbay General Store for drinks.

We decided to take a side trip to Barter's Island, but this proved difficult to find, and involved a bit of back-tracking and swearing. It turned out to be a ride through the forest. The home owners had the best views and looked as if they were too busy cray fishing to notice.

Our route north led into Wiscasset, which proclaims itself as the prettiest town in Maine. We stopped for icecream before continuing our journey through Bath and down 209 to the historic Fort Popham site. This was a fortification built during the Civil War to protect the towns of Bath and Augusta, the capital of Maine.

It was getting late, so we made a run back north and turned towards our overnight stop at Falmouth. The GPS started taking us through a built up area (the shortest route), so we cut onto Highway 1 to make more speed over the last 20 or so miles. The GPS took us off 1, and in trying to make sense of our situation, we ended up on I-295. With a speed limit of 65 mph, we were doing 75, and being overtaken by heavy trucks that were weaving, ducking and passing each other and anything else on the road that was slower. It was a terrifying 10 minutes and we were glad to get off it. We found the place where we are having our bike serviced tomorrow, and had the GPS take us to the nearest motel.

It was 7 pm by the time we got there, and were so tired we didn't care it was a bit pricey. We both had a shower and went to eat in the restaurant next door because we were too tired to look for anything else.

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